Embracing the Portfolio Lifestyle: Navigating Generational Shifts in Professional Life

career Nov 29, 2023

I am a holistic coach who has been helping people maximize their career for over 30 years and today, we're diving into an exciting topic that's reshaping the professional landscape: the portfolio lifestyle. This concept reflects the dynamic changes across different generations in the workforce.

Understanding Generational Perspectives:

  • The Silent Generation (1925-1945):
    • Characterized by their respect and conformity within the workplace.They did not push back. 
    • They're called the Silent Generation because they went to work every day, did what they were told, earned a paycheck, worked until their retirement, had a pension, and then they enjoyed their pension after retirement.
  • Baby Boomers (1946-1964):
    • Followed the path of the Silent Generation.
    • They worked very hard, actually, always in the office. And then they hit their retirement date and some people never worked again. They then enjoyed life in a different way.
  • Generation X (1965-1980):
    • Marked the beginning of a shift toward more moving around.
    • They really tried to accelerate their career. Lots of pensions went away. So if they could not maximize their career at one company, they would go to another company and do a similar action there. 
    • The Gen Xers also started to build more of an entrepreneurial space. Many people started building their own companies. They started doing more consulting and they started branching out in a different, nontraditional way for their professional career.

The Rise of the Portfolio Lifestyle:

One thing that I'm seeing for the Gen Xers and the Millennials is they're starting to build a portfolio lifestyle, where you have a nontraditional career. 

You are probably an entrepreneur. You may be doing consulting, but primarily you have multiple streams of revenue coming in where it is nontraditional. It is not a 9 to 5, and it comes at a very interesting time where remote work is becoming more and more successful and mainstream. And also with the idea of A.I. in the future taking on some of the jobs that you see people starting in now, financial analyst jobs, underwriting jobs claims jobs.

  • Millennials (1981-1996) & Generation Z (1997-2012):
    • Millennials are realizing that there is more to life than working. And of course, the Gen Zers have a very different perspective on life and know this already. 

So in this time, where the Gen Xers are leading major companies and the Millennials are sending their kids to college, what is going to happen next? 

As we observe these generational changes, one thing is clear: the concept of a career is evolving. The portfolio lifestyle champions flexibility, entrepreneurship, and a blend of various revenue streams, fitting perfectly into a world where remote work is becoming the norm.

What do you think about these shifts in the professional world? Are you embracing the portfolio lifestyle or observing it in others? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!